I suppose because it's summertime, the topic of paper towels, paper plates, and disposable cutlery keep popping up. Sure, it's much easier to throw away your dinner mess rather than clean it up, but have you ever thought about how much money you are literally throwing away?
Many years ago while living in Georgia, my children attended a Catholic hybrid home-school program: Regina Caeli Academy. I met many wonderfully wise women during our time there. Many of these women had large families, and were stay at home mothers, who stretched dollars to make ends meet. One day we were talking about cleaning products, and tips to save time cleaning the house, and one young mother stated that she doesn't buy paper towels-ever- because the only reason you buy paper towels is to effectively throw them away, and she did not have the money to throw away. She used cloth diapers,handkerchiefs, kitchen towels, and rags for cleaning- all of which can be thrown into the washing machine.
Wow! That was a light-bulb moment for me! While I do still purchase paper towels and napkins, I use them as sparingly as I can....like a luxury item. Take a look at your trash and see how much money you are literally throwing away.Paper towels, paper plates, disposable cups, zip- lock bags, kleenex....just to name a few items. Washing dishes via the dishwasher or by hand only takes a few extra minutes out of your life. Put leftovers and snacks into reusable plastic containers. Rinse and reuse your zip-lock baggies if they only contained dry items.
Look in your cleaning cabinet. Clorox wipes? Dust wipes? Swiffer products? I find I can clean everything in my home with ammonia, Comet, bleach, 409, microfiber cloths and sponges. (Of course, never use ammonia and bleach at the same time, or it will create toxic fumes.) Many people clean with lemon, vinegar, and baking soda. There are many recipes on the internet for home-made, non toxic cleaning products- even laundry soap! I have not tried any of these recipes yet, but I hope to soon and will blog about my findings.
Here are some websites for cleaning recipes:
If you want to really go extreme, I have read several articles and blogs on people who are even going paperless in the bathroom! I, however, am not ready to do this- even though yes, I am literally flushing money down the toilet!
Do you buy several of these items every week? If you do, you could be spending up to an extra $25.00 on your grocery bill! I would rather use that money to splurge on entertainment for my family.
If you look in my closets, you will find some of the above mentioned items. Sometimes convenience is necessary. However, I use all the items sparingly, and replace them only about once per year. My goal is to get better and reclaim some closet space by eliminating these items altogether.