Is there any such thing as simplifying the Holiday Season...?
I had wanted to write a blog about simple holiday preparations, but then I realized I have yet to achieve such zen. Oh, my intentions are good. It's my reality that's messed up.
It's all my fault, too. When my children were babies, I wanted them to experience a magical Christmas. Sugar plums dancing in their heads, waking up to the wonder and awe of the arrival of Santa's gifts- a mountain of surprises left under the perfectly decorated tree, worthy of Southern Living magazine. Even though they are no longer babies, how can I disappoint the magic of Christmas? Planning the perfect celebration often leaves me stressed and Grinchy.
The Result? The holiday always happens magically, without a hitch- but leaves me vowing for a better, more simple holiday next year.
Christmas Resolutions for 2012
1. I didn't do a Holiday card this year. For those of you who are reading this, you didn't get dropped from my list- everybody did! And you know what? It was quite freeing! I'm toying with the idea of a New Year's card instead....something I can concentrate on after the stress of Christmas is over.
2. My extended family doesn't pick names for gift giving. We had tried before when the kids were little, and it didn't work out, mainly because our family isn't quite big enough. I think the kids are all old enough to revisit this idea, and the idea is giving for the pleasure of giving...not giving for the need to get so-and-so something.....I think it would be hysterical to have a 'Dollar Store Christmas'... or an Ugly Christmas Sweater theme (and make everyone take their holiday pictures for cards and newsletters wearing the ugly sweaters).....or a 're-gift swap' among the adults.....or a 'handmade only policy' get the picture!
3. Shop for gifts all year. I am happy to report that I have purchased the first two Christmas gifts for 2013!
(Note to my family: if you are reading this, and we decide to draw names, I will need to 'draw' Alisha!)
I am trying to devise an easy way for my kids and husband to write down their desires for gifts all year, so I have a plan in mind, and can pick up bargains during the year.
4. I would love to take a family trip for Christmas, and forgo gifts altogether, save for one meaningful gift to be opened Christmas morning. I think that memories would be magical, and we could focus on the reason for the season. After all, family togetherness is the key, and memories are priceless (All the better with a suntan!).
5. New Rule: now that my kids are teenagers, they want all of the traditions of Christmas' past, but are too busy to be around to help them happen. I am one person- if you want to bake cookies and pie, let's set a date to bake cookies and pie together. Time spent together is a free gift well cherished.
And now that all the decorations are put away, and the holidays are but a memory remember this: in only 10 1/2 short months we get to start the holiday season all over again....let's all aim for a simpler, magical 2012!